Zunestar 2mg



Zunestar is a medicine which is recommended and prescribed for treating sleep disorders and Insomnia. It contains Eszopiclone which is sedative and belongs to the anxiolytics class of drugs.

As it contains Eszopiclone, Zunestar 2mg induces faster sleep and allows people to have sound sleep for longer duration.

People who are suffering from any kind of sleep disorder or insomnia must consult a doctor before taking this medicine. It is good to find the solution if you continue to suffer from sleeplessness . Eszopiclone forms the best treatment of insomnia in UK and other countries where people are suffering from sleeplessness due to hectic life style.

Uses of Zunestar tablets

Zunestar is mainly prescribed for the treatment of Insomnia and other sleep disorders.

Often people find it troublesome to fall asleep or getting sound sleep. This is often diagnosed as Insomnia ( a type of Sleep disorder). Insomnia can be acute or chronic. The good thing is that Eszopiclone can treat both chronic as well as short term sleep disorders. With the help of medicines people can get normal sleep and back to normal sleep cycle.

Zunestar UK focuses on improving the quality of sleep in patients suffering from insomnia and other sleep disorders. Eszopiclone stimulates chemical in brain which relaxes the nerve cells, and facilitates deep and sound sleep

How to use Zunestar Tablets?


  • Zunestar must be taken only after consultation with your doctor.
  • Eszopiclone 2mg tablet must be swallowed 30 minutes before going to bed with a glass of water. You must not chew or crush the tablet. It must be swallowed as whole.
  • Take light meal before taking the medicine. Heavy and greasy food decreases the effect of the medicine.
  • Take the medicine at regular interval and at the same time everyday to get your body accustomed to the effect of the drug
  • Do not combine this medicine with Sildenafil or any other medicine. It can be dangerous to your health
  • Do not mix it with alcohol. It can be fatal to your health
  • Never ever combine the medicine with Zopiclone.

Missed dose

You must take Eszopiclone tablets at regular interval. In case of missed dose, take one tablet as soon as you remember it. However restrain yourself in taking 2 pills together just because you have missed the first dose. It can pose serious threat to health of your body.


Taking more than the prescribed medicine is the biggest risk you can take. Multiple doses of Zunestar 2mg can cost your life. Rush to your nearest hospital in case you take dose more than the prescribed one. Always consult your doctor before increasing or decreasing the dose of Eszopiclone 2mg.

Side Effects of Zunestar

Patients taking this medicine must be careful for any abnormal behavior in the body. Some of the common side effects you should be prepared for are:

  1. Fever
  2. Nausea
  3. Cough
  4. Drowsiness
  5. Dizziness
  6. Consfusion
  7. Hallucination
  8. Fatigue
  9. Anxiety
  10. Nervousness

Warnings & Precautions

  • Zunestar is a prescription based medicine and hence it must be taken after consultation with a doctor. Do not take the medicine more than the prescribed dose. It can be dangerous to your health.
  • Ensure that none of your family members take this medicine because they have insomnia and sleeping disorder. Each person needs to consult doctor before taking the medicine,
  • Avoid driving , lifting heavy wights or activities which require focus and attention. The medicine may cause dizziness and sleepiness immediately after taking the dose.
  • In case of no result do not increase the dose on your own. You can consult your doctor before doing so.
  • Let your doctor know if you are breast feeding or are pregnant.
  • The medicine may incite mood swings, addictiveness to this medicine or behavioral changes. Consult your doctor immediately.


Additional information

No. of tablets / Pills

50 Tablets, 100 Tablets, 200 Tablets, 300 Tablets, 500 Tablets


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